It’s time to sit and start some writing now that things have settled down a bit. We just got back from softball nationals in Moline, Illinois last week, moving back to Mustang the week before, and I’m still playing catch up at work and abroad.
Cord, and her former softball team Oklahoma Force 95’s I think took 7th. Great job girls I’m proud of all of you!
While there I was reading How Fiction Works. It’s a writing book on fiction story writing. A good lesson from the book is when writing don’t be vague.
Here is an example:
She hid in stillness so the killer wouldn’t see her
Sara slid herself under a blue Ford and held her breath as her pursuer passed by chasing stealthy shadows moaning her name.
Which one sounds better to you?
This is an example that I’ve made up. Hope it’s done well enough for you to learn something.
Next time will be the difference between showing and telling.
If you’re interested in writing pick up How Fiction Works it’s a good book.
God bless,
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