Freedom Of Speech

One of the special things I enjoy here in the USA is my freedom of speech. I think sometimes we citizens (myself included) take for granted our freedom to express our opinions. No matter what political platform we belong to, no matter what religion we practice, we still have the right to voice our opinions without fear of persecution. I want to say thank you to all of the soldiers past and present for their sacrifice so I may have that right.
Perhaps on this 4th. of July I will refresh my memory a bit and read a document I have not looked at since high school. The Declaration of Independence in my opinion, is probably the most important document ever to be written taking second only to the Holy Bible. Here is a link, if you wish to join me in reading this on our most patriotic holiday.
John Hancock has always been somewhat of hero of mine. We learned in school that his signature was the largest on the document, while some other signatures were small. John Hancock was proud to be a signer, stood up for what he thought was right, and I feel he is what represents the soul and grit of our nation. If you wish to read more on John Hancock and other signers, here is a link
Remember, stand up for yourself and what is right in the eyes of God, voice your opinions, freedom of speech is one of those things people have given sons, daughters, husbands and wives for. It’s a wonderful gift.
Have a happy 4th.
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